Sunday, March 27, 2016


TJ- "first it was Ben's birthday, then TJ's, now Mia's. Next Keaton and Tom" (big sigh)...
E - "what's wrong?"
TJ-"it's hard work being 3 at school"

Since we had TJ's birthday party a week early, on TJ's real birthday the neighborhood had an Easter egg hunt - what a fun way to celebrate being three!

Sometimes its hard to be patient when you can see all the eggs in front of you.

Bubbe and GrandDaddy came down and helped search for eggs...

TJ found lots of eggs...

and of course lots of candy!

We also went to TJ's favorite restaurant Figo Pasta and then had cupcakes afterwards.

On Saturday night we dyed Easter eggs

Things got pretty messy...
but it was a lot of fun...

and TJ enjoyed dying the eggs...

 but did not want to eat them.


TJ was very dapper Easter morning with a new hat from his God parent!

and a matching bow-tie!

He enjoys helping J during the service and shaking hands with everyone

He also enjoyed his second Easter egg hunt at the church!

Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Birthday Party!!!

TJ's Awesome Purple Party!!!

When E and J asked TJ what he wanted to do for his birthday or what kind of party he wanted- his response every time was a "purple party"!!!

TJ's music teacher Mr.Michael came and played a "rock" concert for his party! TJ and his friends wore purple and danced up a storm!

This is TJ's purple birthday shirt - E had a hard time getting a picture of it from all the dancing!

Everyone was so busy dancing and singing that there wasn't time to open presents at the party. After a  nap TJ opened his birthday presents at home. This was the first time he really understood and got into opening presents - he thought it was great!

It was a very fun birthday party and a great day. It is hard to believe that in less than a week our TJ will be THREE!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

School Fun!

These are just some various pictures that TJ's preschool has sent us recently.