Saturday, May 14, 2016

Three year old photos!

Our favorite photographer took TJ's three year old photos and some family photos.  Once again it was impossible to choose which ones to choose because TJ is such a cutie patootie! He likes to tell us how big he is now because he eats broccoli and yogurt.

Finally a funny story - TJ had his three year old check up. He corrected our Pediatrician when she said something was "moon shaped" and he said "no that is a crescent"
One smart kiddo!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Baseball, Soccer, and Muscles!

When you eat all your yoghurt and you get big muscles!

Even though the Atlanta Brave's are having a bad season, TJ has become quite a fan!

Soccer! Spring soccer has finished and TJ did awesome! 


and medals!

More Baseball games!