Monday, May 27, 2013

TJ's Baptism

 Sunday May 26, TJ was Baptized.  So many people came to help celebrate TJ as the newest member of the Body of Christ.  J was excited to be able to help perform the sacrament.  TJ only cried a little, when the water touched his head.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Baptism Weekend

TJ is getting showered with affection and attention this weekend (well, even more so than usual!) and that's because his baptism is Sunday and there are a lot of people in town to share this day with him, including:

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Two Two Cute - Happy Two Months

TJ is two months today! E, J, and TJ celebrated the day by doing a two month photo shoot!

Smiling, Rolling over from stomach to back, listening to the Beatles, and being a super cutie!

Favorite Food:

Waiting for the bottle to heat up, getting in the car seat, riding in the car, and dirty diapers

Super likes:
Bath time and post bath time!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Birthmother's Day

Recently E & J were reading through some adoptive materials and came across Birthmother's Day.  It is celebrated on the Saturday before Mother's day.

Birthmother's Day was first celebrated in Seattle Washington in 1990 in order to educate the public on adoption and also to honor and remember the important role of the birthmother and the difficult and unselfish decisions that they made.

On this day E & J want to say thank you.  TJ is truly a gift from God for which they will be forever grateful.

Thank you, M.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Everybody loves Raymond? No, everybody loves TJ.

J has had several people of the past few weeks comment on how much TJ and J 'look alike'.  J cannot figure out why anybody would ever suggest such a thing
After the jump, more picture and an update on the week !!!