Friday, July 19, 2013

TJ to Fourth Power!

Today is TJ's Four Month Birthday, and boy, has he been having quite a summer! 
He now weighs 14 pounds, 2 oz - about twice the size from when he was born at 7 pounds, 6 oz. 

 On the first of July, TJ started rolling over (he had already rolled from his stomach to his back, but now both ways).  He is now a rolling machine! 

TJ has started to accept his car seat about every other car trip, though still very begrudgingly but its a big improvement, and gladly encouraged by E & J! A short ride happens every day, in an attempt to help TJ learn the car seat is his friend and it takes him to magical lands, like Target or the grocery store (he is currently blissfully unaware of places like Toys R Us)!

Note the blissfully unaware look...

TJ's favorite game is being lifted "up up up" in the air! Everyone's arm strength is improving!  J is currently concerned that he may have to buy new shirts to accommodate his newfound 'guns' (this is of course a joke...) 

Happy Four Month Birthday - you are so loved!

Current favourite things:
Playing the 'up, up, up!' game.
Playing the 'stand up, sit down' game.
Naps while being worn in the Baby Ergo.
Demonstrating his lung capacity and ability to reach undocumented decibel levels.

Being 'hangry'

Currently re-evaluating:
The Carseat


  1. TJ is just getting cuter and cuter, such big eyes he has. I don't know weather to laugh or cry when I see such wonderful pics because my heart has not caught up to my mind. I know M did the right thing but its still hard to deal with on a personal level. God Bless L

  2. Four Months alreadyy & he is so beautiful. Thank you for keeping us informed on his progress. We look forward to all his pictures & your great comments. R wanted me to write that soon he will go from a car seat to driving a racing car HA HA! Love R & B

    1. We wouldn't be surprised at all - this little man doesn't like to be still!
