Sunday, September 22, 2013

Half Birthday - 6 Months!

Happy Half Birthday TJ!

Likes: Crawling, Standing, Banana, Avocados, Carrots, Watermelon, Music (especially playing his own music at KinderMusik!)

Dislikes: Losing his balance and going to sleep!


  1. Dear E & J, Again had a problem with google. That's why no comment on the latest video. You can't believe how much we enjoyed that last videos of TJ and his Turkey Hat. Wanted to tell then & there. We thought of him the day he turned 6 months old. His Blog today was a nice anniersary present for us. Today we have been married 66 years. Thank you. Love, R & B

  2. Happy Birthday TJ I can't believe its already 6 months just love all the pics. Did I tell you he has M's big brown eyes just so precious. God Bless you all L.

  3. Happy Anniversary R&B - 66 years is truly amazing! We are so happy all of you are enjoying the videos and pictures. I was wondering if he looked like M when she was a baby - all anyone can talk about is his beautiful eyes!

  4. Only his beautiful eyes are like Morgans. She wants me to tell you TJ looks like his biological father except his eyes which are hers, also her computer broke so she sees TJ pics when her friend Mk visits but can't comment. She just loved the 6mo ones too. Love to you all. L

  5. Thank you E & J for your congratulations on our 66th anniversary. Happy that Louise explained about TJ's beautiful eyes. Not knowing TJ's biological father we naturally see more of M in TJ. None the less TJ is a beautiful, healthy looking baby. Thank god for his loving caring parents. Love R & B
