Last Tuesday TJ took three steps in the morning (multiple times), and then four steps in the afternoon! E and J can officially say he started walking at 9 months! While no one has been able to get photographic or video evidence of this - it will happen soon!
J has been in Minneapolis for school the last week - TJ and E are anxiously awaiting his return this Friday! Until then TJ had a very busy 10 month birthday yesterday. Bubbe and GrandDaddy came from Chattanooga to spend the day with him.
TJ practiced being a firefighter in the morning.
Then shopping at Ikea with E, Bubbe, and Omi... TJ obviously agrees with J's assessment that Ikea is great, but it can be a bit stressful with all the people!
Fighting the crowds at Ikea is hard. TJ needed a short nap on the way home to get GrandDaddy for Brunch...
and then Brunch!