Friday, March 21, 2014

Birthday Photo Shoot!!!

Happy Birthday TJ! 

It is hard to believe that it was one year ago that you were born. We are so proud to be your parents and you are such a blessing in our lives. 

We are looking forward to TJ's birthday party this Saturday!

TJ is now 28.5" tall and weighs 19.5 pounds! 


  1. Happy Belated Birthday TJ! I'm sorry it took me a few days to say that, but I was a little too emotional to go on the blog on Tj's Birthday. Anyway we're all very excited to finally see pictures of TJ walking. My mother and I are working on TJ birthday present and hopefully be able to send it out in a few days. Thank you both again for everything, but most of all for being the best parents I could have ask for. Give TJ a big hug and kiss for me please. And again Happy Birthday Theodore James. Love always~Morgan

  2. We understand what an emotional time this must be for you. J, TJ, and I light a candle for you each Sunday, we only want the best for you and hope that in the future we can meet in person again. We want TJ to know that his birth family loves him too. We are very much looking forward to seeing the present and can't wait to share it with him. Love- E, J, & TJ

  3. I sent a birthday greeting to TJ but it didn't go thru so again HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY To a beautiful boy. The pics you sent are wonderful, he looks like a little man walking with determination.I hope that is representative of what he will be like growing up. God Bless you all and my love too. L.
