Saturday, July 19, 2014

16 Month Birthday

Happy 16 Months TJ! 

TJ was a little grumpy today for his 16 month pictures.  It was raining so he couldn't play outside. On top of that his top canine (eye) teeth are coming in, and hurting him.

Post Rain Puddle Dancing

Bath fun!

Couch Jumping!

Later that afternoon, we gave up and let him play outside in the mud...

So much happier!

Earlier in this week TJ's cousins and Uncle came and stayed with us! They live in Korea so it is always exciting when they come to visit!


  1. As we mentioned before, R goes to TJ's Bambino Blog every morning to starts his day & we decided not to wait before commenting this morning. God Bless him but he gets more adorable looking with each passing month. The small cleft in his chin is from R's side of the family. It seems so many members of his relatives have clefts on their chin some more prominent than others. Even M had a cleft on her chin when she was younger & it still shows up.. We love all the pics of his 16 month anniversary even the one with his dirty seat, My personal favorite is the one by himself showing his big beautiful eyes and serious looking precious face. God bless you all. Love R & B

  2. My parents are so enjoying this blog & I thank you so much for that. Of course I am too especially the videos. I really loved the one of TJ in the bath just hearing him is so joyous for me and it makes me feel very close to your family. Another month has gone by and you are so lucky to have such a precious boy to watch grow up. Thank you for sharing with us, God Bless L.

  3. Obviously, I totally agree with the lovely ladies above. That is one handsome little man. My best to you all.
