Saturday, February 21, 2015

Almost 2!

In one short month, this cool guy is going to be two years old! It is so hard to believe! 

It has been too cold to play outside this week so E and TJ did their monthly photo shoot inside.
TJ is developing quite a sense of humor - he actually made a silly face when E asked him to!

Happy 23 months!

TJ likes to play music with J and greatly enjoys his weekly toddler music class.

TJ was practicing incase we got the predicted snow. Sadly,  it was just really cold this weekend with no snow.

This is TJ "not jumping" on the bed


  1. wow, thank you ao much for the great pictures and video today. just in time because today is my birthday, almost one month from now mine and your beautiful little boy will be 2 years old and I've never been happier in my life...To see the 3 of you looking so good and so happy makes my fills my heart with so much joy. E and J thank you so much for everything you do and cant wait to see more pictures.. love always Morgan

  2. As usual the pictures are just wonderful. R palyed the saxaphone & guitar when younger and he also has a beautiful voice even at age 92. So happy to see that TJ is interested in music. We epecially enjoy the videos seeing TJ in action. Thank you so much for keeping us in touch with his activities. Looking forward to this 2nd birthday next month. God Bless & Love R & B

  3. What can I say that Mom and M haven't already said. I do have a question though. Is TJ still sleeping in a crib? He's so active that he probably climbs out. My son did that when he was two and fell to the floor. We had to put a mattress on the floor and gate on the door until he was ready for a toddler bed. Again great pics. TJ is such a handsome little man & I can't wait to see next months. God Bless you all. L

  4. Happy Birthday Morgan! We hope you have had the best day ever! We are so happy to hear how great you are doing - prayers answered!!!

  5. Lou - TJ is still sleeping in a crib, but my guess is not for long. So far he hasn't climbed out of his crib, but I know once he gets the idea in his head - he will be able to accomplish it very quickly. Although we hope to keep him in the crib for as long as possible - he is such a little wild guy I'm not sure how he would handle more freedom!
