Tuesday, May 26, 2015


TJ went to his first Braves game! Halfway into the first inning he had ball from Pedro Ciriaco and was featured on the jumbo tron dancing! What an exciting first game!

TJ also took a road trip with E and Omi to Ohio for a wedding and to see family. He insisted on rolling his own suitcase into the hotel!

He helped his cousin and flower girl clean up the flowers, after she "accidentally" dropped them during the wedding! Everyone appreciated his helpfulness with cleaning up!

Visiting with some of his big cousins.

Enjoying the delicious cupcakes!

We stopped at Skyline chili on the way home, to get our Cincinnati Chili fix. TJ didn't care about the chili but loved the pink lemonade!

Finally, we will end with TJ singing into his "microphone" (aka J's guitar stand)!!!


  1. A pretty big month for a "big" little guy!

  2. So how did TJ end up with the ball? Great Pics especially loved the singing and dancing video. I just love hearing his voice so much thanks again for that.
    Good Luck to the Atlanta Braves this season. Love L.

  3. We were sitting on the second row close to the dug out and Pedro just came over and handed it to TJ after he had been cheering very excitedly (and loudly!). I think he just liked TJ's enthusiasm!

  4. Of course then we had to hide the baseball because he kept throwing it at everyone around us (I guess not everyone likes to play catch!)- which resulted in a lot of tears. He was devastated when we told him it stayed in Mommy's purse until we got back in the car!

  5. Glad L asked how TJ ended up with the ball. We wondered how that happened. We're sure he will appreciate the ball when he is older. He looked so cute wheeling his luggage into the hotel. Loved the wedding pictures, TJ looked so grown up dressed in his yellow shirt & blue trousers. The video was just wonderful. It was delightful to hear him singing, we loved it. R & B
