Tuesday, September 22, 2015


E, J, and TJ took a quick trip to the beach. E felt like they MUST get some beach time in before it was too cold to get in the water. 

TJ insisted on carrying his suitcase and got very upset when anyone tried to assist him. As you can see it was a pretty large hill, but he is one strong 2.5 year old!
TJ was so excited to be at the beach and a hotel room that he was donkey kicking until 11:00 at night and was awake at 6:30 the next morning! "Beach, Water, Sand - TJ play!"

TJ was fascinated by these large beach bikes, he was very disappointed that he was too small to ride them this year.

Popcorn snack in bed and failed nap attempts!

This is Mr.Bones a Halloween decoration that TJ has decided is his favorite toy ever! 


  1. Dear E, J & TJ, Thank you for the wonderful pictures and videos on Sept. 22nd, 2015 our 68th wedding anniversary. What a wonderful gift for us to see TJ enjoying the beach so much, just as M & S did when they were young and still do. TJ does seem to be quite strong. We could not believe how he pulled his suitcase up that hill and how he pulled himself up the side of the wall in the video. . We saw & spoke to M on Skype this evening while we were having dinner with S and our daughters & son-in-laws. DJ away at UConn called us to wish us Happy Anniversary. Your Blog of TJ was the final topper of a perfect day. Thank you again. Love, R & B

  2. Hi all, hope all is well. I loved all these pic and videos and meant to write sooner but been very busy helping my sister move in with my parents. Dad has been in and out of hospital too-getting old sucks because that is what they say all his problems stem from. It is so wonderful to have these pics and videos because they cheer my parents up and me as well. Again love to you all and God Bless. L
