Saturday, December 12, 2015


TJ has had a nasty cold and hasn't been feeling his best, but after two weeks and some antibiotics is finally starting to be back to his happy healthy self!

From the board at preschool!

Making frosting to decorate the turkey gingerbread cookie

A little decorating and a lot of M&M eating
The "finished" Turkey cookie!
Helping Omi cut apples for the pie

Getting ready to play outside at preschool.

Outside superhero time!

Making stars...

Shining shoes for St.Nicholas' Day
Seeing Santa!


  1. Sorry TJ was sick. but happy he is finally better. His smile is so captivating. It is such a pleasure watching him grow up. From his pictures, we can't tell whether he is going through the terrible two's, but he certainly is active enough, Again thank you. We love you all. God Bless. Love R & B

    1. I wouldn't say terrible twos, but I think TJ will always have a very active and strong personality! He knows what and how he wants things and there is no changing his mind once he makes it up. Red has become his favorite color and we have become very limited in his clothing choices because he insists on wearing only his red clothes! Healing prayers for R. love, E&J

  2. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was good except Dad was in the hospital so we took turns going there. Glad TJ is feeling better. Its so hard when a little one is sick. I'm sure he's all excited about Xmas and I know you'll share some pics with us. Loved all you posted. TJ has the greatest smile. God Bless you all and have a blessed Xmas. L
