Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Trips and catching up!

Blogger has made it very difficult to upload pictures from apple products now! Our apologies its been very frustrating getting any pictures uploaded!

Other than that, everything has been going very well. We flew to St.Paul Minnesota to see Jonathan's graduation from Seminary. Although TJ has been on planes before - he did not remember it and was very excited to fly.



We went to Mall of America while in MN and road some roller coasters and went to Rain Forrest Cafe for lunch.

TJ picked out a Twin Cities cap at the airport before we left. 

Just recently TJ, E, and Omi went to Destin to drop off a Santa suit and spend a week at the beach. TJ wanted to get matching pedicures. He chose light blue with silver sparkles so that our feet would disappear in the water!

 TJ decide that on vacation - you get to drink milk in fancy glasses

 He got an airbrushed hat with his name!
 Santa loved his new suit
 And we played mini golf with some friends!

 While walking on the beach TJ found an extra heavy rock that he wanted to take home. E told him that he had to carry it, if he wanted to keep the rock. Here is one very determined 4 year old carrying the rock 1/2 mile back to our condo. It is now on his dresser in his room.

 Despite the tropical storm it was a great week at the beach!


  1. Dear E,J & TJ. It was wonderful seeing the blog again. I am sorry you had such a hard tine uploading with your Apple product, hope it is resolved now. Congratulation to J on his graduation from the Seminary, I wish him good luck on all his endeavors. TJ looks as beautiful as always. He is growing so much and seems to enjoy himself in what ever he is doing. His pictures really brightened my day and for many more days as I continue to look at them. Love and God Bless you all. B

  2. Hi all. it is great to see all your faces again. I know what you mean about Apple I can't watch the videos unless I put the blog on Google Chrome, its very frustrating. Anyway loved all the wonderful pictures and congratulations to J on his graduation. TJ is as adorable as ever and always seems so happy. He makes me smile every time I see his face. Thank you for doing your best to get some pics on the blog. Love you all and God Bless. L
