Monday, April 1, 2013

First Easter

Well TJ was quick to point out that it is not the first Easter, but it is his first Easter.  And what an Easter it was!

TJ not only went to church for the first (and second) times, but he also got to see his Bubbe and Granddaddy for the first time (in person - hooray for face time!) too!  They were thrilled, and so was TJ, who promptly went to sleep for a large chunk of the day.

TJ did seem to enjoy church, though he slept through most of it, none of it made him cry.  TJ notes that his reaction should not be taken as a reflection on the service, but rather as a reminder that he is only 12 days old.  Sleeping is kind of his thing.

J fixed a post worship brunch consisting of fresh berries, biscuits, a frittatta with red and green peppers, onion, and kalamata olives, along with some sauteed swiss chard.  While TJ didn't try any, he did declare that he wished he could eat 'real' food and not just his formula, but his emerging foodie'ism 
didn't stop him from his normal routine of eating and sleeping.


  1. Happy Easter to the three of you! I'm so thrilled to hear your all finally home where ya'll belong. Love all the new pics, he really looks perfect with the both of you! Love...M

    1. M Happy Easter to you too! Much love to you!
