Saturday, June 8, 2013

TJ strikes again!

The next two weeks J is in Seminary, so its been lots of E and TJ time (and Facetime with Daddy).  J was quite excited to be recognized by TJ through the computer.

TJ took a trip to get shrimp pho at one of E's favorite restaurants with Omi

Earlier in the week Uncle D came from Delaware for a visit.

Last weekend E, J, and TJ took a trip to the Southeast Lutheran synod assembly,  J spoke about the ELCA's goal to end Malaria by 2015.

While E and J participated in the synod assembly, TJ got some quality GrandDaddy nap time.

TJ is still not a fan of his car seat, but apparently monkey paws help with car rides.

TJ's new favorite activity is sitting!

All that sitting is hard work, which leads to more naps!

1 comment:

  1. I love the video its so adorable...Hope mommy and TJ are having a nice time together! Tell J I say hello!

    Love~ M
