Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy 8 Months!!!

TJ has become an expert stair climber in the short time we have been at the new house.

Likes: Strawberry applesauce, avocados, scrambled eggs, trying to walk, trying to climb the stairs, splashing in the pool or bathtub, and flirting with the ladies.

Dislikes: naps, failed walking attempts, and not being acknowledged by the ladies.

TJ modeling his new jacket!

Enjoying the Fall weather and the very leafy front yard!

Wondering why the horn will "beep" for E and J...

TJ has become an expert at standing and cruising around the room holding onto furniture, he will be walking very soon!

  TJ's 8 month sticker was lost in the move, hopefully they will be unpacked before 9 month birthday!


  1. Hello sorry I haven't been in touch. Dad had major surgery on his back, very serious for a 91 year old - its been a 4 week ordeal but thankfully coming home tomorrow. Just wanted to say good luck with your new home. Also loved the little Ewok. TJ looks like he will be walking by 9 months. Thank god for younger parents. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have Someone to be thankful for, Love to you all. L.

  2. Our prayers for R's quick recovery and healing. Happy Thanksgiving and much love to all
