Thursday, November 28, 2013


TJ's first Thanksgiving and our first Thanksgiving at the new house was an exciting and wonderful day!

TJ enjoyed all the food! He is a great eater - turkey, cornbread, butternut squash, and even cranberry relish (aka red stuff)!

 A delicious time was had by all - even with a turkey hat on!

Some good friends from church joined us and TJ was thrilled that his favorite "older" girlfriend was sitting across the table!

Happy First Thanksgiving TJ! E and J have so much to be thankful for - friends, family, a beautiful new house, and the most perfect bambino in world.

TJ needed to taste test the red stuff (cranberry relish) before dinner - he gave it a thumbs up!

All the food made TJ ready for some exercise - so close to walking!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving enjoyed seeing TJ in the videos so close to walking my goodness, he must keep you busy. We had a great day too especially because Dad and Mom were able to still be with us after both their surgeries. God Bless u all. L

  2. How very thankful R & B are to have Thanksgiving with our family and then to watch TJ celebrate his first thanksgiving and E & J celebrating not only TJ but their new home as well. We are repeating ourselves ,but have to say thank you again for sharing TJ with us. Thank you Lord for all your blessings. Love R & B
