Friday, October 31, 2014


It was one year ago when TJ, E, and J moved into the new house- what an exciting year it has been! This year instead of unpacking boxes (not that there aren't a few left to still do), everyone got to enjoy the neighborhood festivities.
TJ's best buddies at school.

Killer bee!
 The best lollipop TJ has ever had (ok its also the first one...)
 The whole walk home - it was "mmmmm mmmmmm mmmm" 
mmmmm..... (definitely a fan of candy!)

Halloween is great!

This was a picture from the Gay Pride parade a couple of weeks ago- Cute babies get the best swag!


  1. Just loved these pics and so glad to see the whole family having fun - killer bee and lollipops was the best or was it the swag - my goodness so hard to choose oh well all of them then mmmmmm mmmmmm good. God bless and love to you all. L

    1. Forgot to tell you that I absolutely loved the selfie so good to see you E. Love to u all. L.

  2. That photo of the three of you with the close ups of all of you is fantastic! Such a lovely family!

  3. I agree with all of the above. Plus what big beautiful brown eyes and long eyelashes TJ has. God Bless. Love, R & B
