Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Big 2-0!!!

Happy 20 Months TJ!!! 
It is getting harder and harder to capture a picture of TJ because he never sits still!
TJ's new favorite activity is rolling cars down the slide...

Samson snuggles - they are both too fast to get a good picture of them together!

A brief moment to sit down.

TJ likes to collect rocks and put them in the back of his car and "drive" around the yard.
TJ and J had an exciting Saturday when they went to a UGA football game. J thinks TJ liked climbing the stairs the best!


  1. WOW 20 months it seems like yesterday that TJ was born, M had just let me know about her condition and we were in a quandary what to do. Now we know we made the right decision God bless you all and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. L

  2. Saw the pics the day you posted them. Sorry we couldn't write sooner, but enjoyed them very much. We showed the pics to M's brother S & he seems to think that TJ is quite big for 20 months. S wanted me to ask if he is bigger than most of his peers for his age. We can't tell, he seems to be of average size from the pics that we see. Anyway as usual he is so adorable & very photogenic. Whar color is his hair, it's hard for us to tell, we can see that it is very curly. Have a very Blessed Thanksgiving. Love R & B

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! TJ is about the same size as the other 20 months but much much stronger (we sometimes have trouble finding clothes for his waist - because he isn't a chubby baby!!!). His preschool teacher suggested that we enroll him in gymnastics (as he was doing chin ups off the classroom table!!!). I think that we will in the summer when he doesn't have't preschool. He still has music class one day a week and his PDO two mornings - but baby gymnastics seems like a fun summer activity! His hair is a medium brown but in some lights it looks very reddish. Any one have red hair in your family?!!

  4. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Unfortunately L has a terrible cold that she hasn't been able to shake, so she & her Walter could not come for dinner, she didn't want to expose us to her cold. I just talked to her and told her to call her make sure she doesn't have Bronchitis or Pnuemonia. M's father had very red hair before he turned gray. There were also memers of my family that had red hair so it 's not unusual for the red hair to show up. On my side of the family we have very curly hair. When I was young I had to iron my hair it was so curly and one time a hairdresser cut my hair so short that it looked just like TJ"s hair. Just 2 of my children have curly hair like me, our deceasded son & our daughter Rose.
    When Rose and I wash our hair and just leave it to dry naturally, our hair is a mass of curls. Thought you would like a little family history about the curly hair, Couldn't get over that TJ was doing chin ups. That's amazing! Will impart the info to Sean about TJ's average size, he was convinced that TJ was going to be quite tall. We hope so, because height does not run in either side of our families.
