Tuesday, July 14, 2015


July is going by so fast! 

Despite this picture - TJ greatly enjoyed a performance of "Click, Clack, Moo" at the Puppetry Center!

TJ is taking swimming lessons again this summer and music class. TJ enjoys blowing bubbles and jumping into the water. He doesn't enjoy swimming/floating on his back!

TJ has recently decided that he wants "ice cream" because of a song he likes to listen to about ice cream. However, he is not a fan of cold things - so TJ's gets his "ice cream cones" without ice cream (but you can't go wrong with chocolate and sprinkles)!

TJ and E met some of TJ's friends from preschool over the summer at the pool! He was very excited to see his friends.

TJ has been riding his Plasma Car to the local Farmer's Market, he is a very serious driver.

A trip to LegoLand where TJ watched a 4D movie where it "rained" inside!

TJ decided we could trim his toenails, if J then painted them purple. He does not like to have his nails cut, but was very excited about them being purple.

More "ice cream" time!

E and J keep encouraging TJ to say "fire truck" because its quite funny to hear his version of "fire truck"


  1. Please see my comment under the June 17th Blog, just posted it today also.
    Both you and J certainly keep TJ occupied especially the swimming lessons, seeing a performance at the Puppetry Ctr. & driving his Plasma car to the Farmers Market with a very serious look on his face. We loved his chocolate mustache and the smile of delight on his face as he looks at his ice cream cone with just the chocolate & sprinkles. What about those purple toenails. Real cool. To top it off the Fire truck video with his version of saying "Fire Truck" just precious. Again, thank you so much. God Bless you all. Love, R & B

  2. We all enjoy seeing TJ having such a great summer with you all, great activities esp. swimming lessons. The chocolate mustache and the looks on his face are so precious. My favorite is his driving the Plasma car. Of course loved the video, pretty so he'll be talking non stop and saying fire truck perfectly. Love to you all L.
