Sunday, August 28, 2016


Back to School

TJ was a big fan of the Olympics and has been setting up Olympic events at home!

We went to a trampoline jumping park in Chattanooga while visiting Bubbe for her Birthday and TJ wanted to try the trapeze bar - this kiddo is fearless! 

TJ singing Bubbe "Happy Birthday" 

TJ had his first trip to the dentist and did great! He even let them polish his teeth and do x-rays! 

This is TJ's self portrait from Preschool - it is hanging over his hook for his book bag. 


  1. OHH MY GOD WHAT A FEARLESS LITTLE GUY, I can't believe him - walking on a balance beam, flying on a trapeze, singing his little heart out, and then doing well at the dentist. I also love hearing TJ talk "your turn Daddy," just a thoroughly enjoyable set of videos and pics. Thank you so much and God Bless you all. L.

    1. He is amazingly brave - he ended up with an audience on the trapeze bar because everyone was amazed at this little guy doing it (when adults were getting up there and getting scared!)

  2. We can't believe you are raising a potentially Olympic star in your family, TJ is so athletic for his age. He is a natural & so coordinated. The videos were just awesome. He has so much energy. It was such a joy for us to see him starting school, going to the dentist and his art work. Thank God you are able to give him so many opportunities to express himself and to use up some of his abundant energy. God Bless you both for being such wonderful parents and God Bless TJ also. Love R & B

    1. We can't decide if TJ will be in the Olympics for soccer, running, swimming or gymnastics he just seems to be naturally athletic and really good at so many things!

  3. Ok so for some reason the last few comments I've made didn't post for some reason. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. So E if you get this please let me know. I've been writing and they never seem to send!

  4. I love all the new pictures and videos. I can't get over how big TJ is now. It's crazy how time has just flown by the last few years. Well I hope this message goes threw this time. Thanks for sharing your moments with me, I really do love everything you share. Love always~ M

  5. Hi M- two messages came thru but I was only alerted to it today and it looks like you posted them a week ago! We hope all is well with you ��
