In the words of TJ - "I had fun having fun with you"
We all had a great long weekend with Bubbe and GrandDaddy in Hilton Head
TJ ate shrimp and made his muscles big
We went for early morning bike rides in our pjs, but biking is very serious
We got a new boogie board
TJ did not want to build a sand castle, he wanted to build a sand pyramid
When we got back home Omi had made a purple cake to celebrate TJ's 3 1/2 birthday!
and we did the awesome USA puzzle before bed time
This is the costume rendering for TJ's Halloween ghost costume, while E thought it was finished TJ informed me that it was missing something important.
E- look I am finished with your ghost costume and it has lights in it!
TJ- but there is no yellow
E- but it lights up!!!
TJ- but there is no yellow
Enjoyable and greatly appreciated these wonderful pics and video of TJ. He is so energetic and full of life that I keep watching them over and over because they make me forget for a little while the sadder part of our lives right now. My Dad and Mom just celebrated their 69th Anniversary and Mom just turned 88, but Dad is not doing well, he's in rehab & Mom stays with him 24/7 they don't want to leave each other. Please have J say a prayer for them to help get them through this difficult time. God Bless you all L.