Sunday, August 30, 2015

Back to School

The Sunday before school started our church had blessing of the backpacks.
TJ was very excited by his new dinosaur book bag that his Bubbe picked out.

TJ has also started a new trend of wearing a band aid on his forehead, because of teeny tiny scratch that very dramatically needed a band aid for two weeks!

First Day of School!

Mr. Cool is happy to be back with his friends!


  1. Sorry, we didn't comment on Family Day. but FYI the pictures you took were terrific, especially the Krispy Crème hat TJ sported while eating the donut, and the video of TJ dancing & jumping on the benches. Loved his First Day of school. TJ looks so much older than he is and what about that killer smile of his, he is so adorable. Thank you for sharing him with us. God Bless you all. Love R & B

  2. Such a cutie, just love all the pics & videos from the last blog and this one of course. Its so great to see your family doing all that you do. Hope TJ enjoys his time back at preschool. Love to you all L.
