Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Nine Months and Christmas!

We did a 9 month photo shoot this morning, we had been so busy that we missed his 9 month birthday! The Gingerbread boy chair was made by E's Pop-Pop for her cousin's 2nd birthday in 1968!   

Later in the morning,  E, J, TJ, and Omi went with their church on an Immersion Walk to feed the homeless in Atlanta. 

After the Immersion Walk - Bubbe and Grand Daddy came from Chattanooga to be with TJ on his first Christmas. 

He enjoyed the boxes and wrapping paper almost as much as the presents!

TJ got a tunnel that (as you can see from his grin) is - AWESOME!!!

He also got a mini piano from Bubbe and Grand Daddy -it was a big hit!

Later, we decided to go to get Chinese food for Christmas, TJ greatly enjoyed the egg drop soup!

Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Santa Visits...

TJ got to see Santa twice this year! Once at the mall, and once at Santa's Georgia "summer" home.  E designed Mr. and Mrs. Claus' new clothing (Santa Lou)  and so TJ and his "older" lady friend V - got a special Santa visit (and costume fitting).

Santa Lou and Mrs. Claus gave TJ  reindeer antlers and a light up Rudolf nose! 

TJ was a big fan of Santa Lou's beard

Waiting in line to see the mall Santa!

TJ was also a fan of his beard...

Waiting for the official neighborhood Christmas tree lighting. There was "bubble" snow and a tree decorating competition too!

Friday, December 6, 2013

On the go!

TJ has had a couple of exciting days - he went to a sushi restaurant where he LOVED miso soup, fried rice, pickled ginger, and a little sweet potato tempura! E and J have not found a food that TJ doesn't like! 

He then went to a "soft" park inside a mall because it had been too rainy outside to go for his daily walk. TJ was in heaven - so many "big" kids to try and copy! He even tried the slide a few times!

TJ is very fascinated by Omi's large Nutcracker from Germany. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the Christmas decorations go.

Stair jumping is a new exciting hobby too, that TJ never gets tired of. It is second only to stair climbing.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


TJ's first Thanksgiving and our first Thanksgiving at the new house was an exciting and wonderful day!

TJ enjoyed all the food! He is a great eater - turkey, cornbread, butternut squash, and even cranberry relish (aka red stuff)!

 A delicious time was had by all - even with a turkey hat on!

Some good friends from church joined us and TJ was thrilled that his favorite "older" girlfriend was sitting across the table!

Happy First Thanksgiving TJ! E and J have so much to be thankful for - friends, family, a beautiful new house, and the most perfect bambino in world.

TJ needed to taste test the red stuff (cranberry relish) before dinner - he gave it a thumbs up!

All the food made TJ ready for some exercise - so close to walking!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy 8 Months!!!

TJ has become an expert stair climber in the short time we have been at the new house.

Likes: Strawberry applesauce, avocados, scrambled eggs, trying to walk, trying to climb the stairs, splashing in the pool or bathtub, and flirting with the ladies.

Dislikes: naps, failed walking attempts, and not being acknowledged by the ladies.

TJ modeling his new jacket!

Enjoying the Fall weather and the very leafy front yard!

Wondering why the horn will "beep" for E and J...

TJ has become an expert at standing and cruising around the room holding onto furniture, he will be walking very soon!

  TJ's 8 month sticker was lost in the move, hopefully they will be unpacked before 9 month birthday!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

TJ was trying to decide between being a minion from Despicable Me or an Ewok. J voted for the Ewok, so E made TJ's Ewok costume!

TJ wasn't too sure about having makeup on his nose or all that stuff on his head, but he did enjoy all the attention he got from church friends!

Tonight everyone walked to a restaurant in the village close to the new house, TJ enjoyed guacamole with his teething biscuits.  He was quite upset once the guac was finished. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New House!

TJ, E, and J said good bye today to their first house! They bought a house (still in the same area) with E's mother (aka Omi) and more room for TJ!

Two blocks from a library, lots of restaurants and stores to walk to!
 TJ was a great supervisor!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Just Because...

A few cute TJ videos!

TJ waiting for his bath.

TJ dancing to Elmo.

TJ with his new favorite "toy".

TJ with his Gingerbread Hat, made by one of his favorite Aunts!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Seven Months!

Happy Seven Months TJ!!!
It is getting harder to take month birthday pictures of TJ - no sitting still for this guy!

Likes - Iphones, Swimming, Crawling, Standing, and Elmo
Dislikes - Sitting still (and that is about it!)

J and TJ crawling through the atrium area of Church!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

All You Need is Love!

Weekend Excitement - part 2

This Sunday was the Atlanta Pride Parade.  The parade route went right  by E, J, and TJ's church and the ELCA Lutherans passed out water to people marching in the parade.  This was TJ's first parade!

E and J felt like its never too early for TJ to learn to love everyone!

TJ showing pride in his own way, and not letting go of his beads, even once he fell asleep!

(Kandi Burruss from The Real Housewives of Atlanta gave those beads to TJ!)

A friend from church, and her son (just the sweetest picture)

Another friend from church, with TJ trying to drink her unopened coke!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Saturday E, J, and TJ took a trip south of Atlanta to visit a pumpkin patch! They picked out a carving pumpkin, a baking pumpkin, and Apple Cider!

There were two corn mazes ( the mini one was the chosen one), puppet shows, tractor rides, and  pumpkin shooting!

TJ was going to pick a pumpkin, but became more interested in the pine straw, so E and J choose one instead!