Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 3 - Birth Family

Sometimes there are days that you will always remember.  Sometimes these are for good reasons (maybe your team won a big game, kinda like when Manchester United won the Treble back '99), sometimes they are for reasons that aren't so good (we'll not dwell on those days).  And then there are days that you will remember because they exceeded any expectations you had and were such a blessing that they serve as a reminder of how God is active and present in our lives.

Today was that third kind of day; a day of emotions and grace and wonder.  Today, E, J, and TJ were blessed to see M again, outside of the hospital, and we got to meet part of TJ's birth family.

The day began normally enough (if normal involves waking up with a 4 day old child in a hotel room). TJ continues to stick to the routine he has developed.  We eat every 3 hours or so, get changed, and generally go back to sleep.  Sometimes he decides to stay awake for a bit, which makes E and J quite happy.

Before we get to the main portion of this article, a few random asides after the break (This one is LONG, be aware):

This morning, much to J's chagrin, TJ chose allegiances.  J understands, he actually has Florida winning in one of his brackets.

After lunch (and a change of clothes), our big journey began.  We made our way to the attorney's office.  We had so many questions and were filled with anticipation to meet 'the family'!

Any nervousness we had was quickly laid aside as we met not just M's mother and step-father, but also TJ's birth great-grandfather and great-grandmother.  E and J were thrilled to find out some more about TJ's family heritage (primarily Italian but with a bit of Irish on his mother's side and Jamaican on his father's side).  

If you ever wanted proof that this was truly meant to be, E and J named this blog before ever knowing of the Italian connection (J even announced the birth on Facebook using text inspired by the papal announcement, 'Habemus Infantem!'), so to find that TJ actually is Italian was a pleasant surprise!

More proof was found upon learning that TJ was also of Jamaican heritage because the first piece of clothing that E and J purchased, four years ago, was a onesie with a picture of Bob Marley that said 'B is for Bob'.  

Truly there could not be a more beautiful family. 

It was wonderful to talk to M more today.  E and J are forever grateful for her decision.  She is a woman of grace and strength who is surrounded by family who love her more than can be expressed in words.

TJ loved the attention, he woke up for awhile to soak it all in and to say 'hello' to everyone.  He may only be 4 days old, but he was aware that he was surrounded be people who cared about him and who will love him forever.

In perhaps the most touching part of the afternoon, tears were shed by everyone in the room (and J is tearing up a bit now at the memory) when TJ's birth great-grandfather held TJ and sang him an Italian lullaby.

A prayer of thanks and a prayer of blessing for TJ, M, and all the people who brought us together and have been and will continue to support E, J, TJ and M.

Our attorney, Jodi Rutstein, of Florida Adoption Law Group.  Without her, none of this would have ever happened.  There is not a more selfless attorney or firm that we have ever come across.  She cares about the birth family, the adoptive family and she and her staff provide love, support, advice, and most importantly, friendship throughout the process.

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