Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Hardest Part

So TJ has discovered Tom Petty and it has been revealed to him that yes, in fact, the waiting is the hardest part!

Reports have been completed and paperwork has been submitted and now E, J, and TJ wait until they are told it is legal to come home. 

TJ continues to grow and excel at everything he does (which at this point means he is a champion eater and an olympic-caliber sleeper).  E and J hate being apart from each other right now, but it will get better soon.  If things aren't approved, J is heading back down Saturday so that everyone can celebrate Easter together.

E continues to faithfully document the early days of TJ's existence and furthered his wordly experiences today with a drive around scenic Gainesville.  (something about furthering TJ's love for all things Gator).

J remains unamused...

And now for a short movie!

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