Thursday, March 21, 2013

First Day

So TJ can't actually type right now, so either E or J will be doing the actual posting, at least for now.

Today was TJ's first day with us and we are beyond excited.  We met him at the hospital, and got to meet M, his birthmother; which was an unexpected, but greatly appreciated, blessing.

TJ will remain in Florida, with us, until some paperwork is finalized and we are given the official 'ok' to leave the state.  This could happen tomorrow, or this could take a few days.  Regardless, TJ is with us and we are happy.

He's been eating, sleeping, etc all afternoon.  After we got home, we changed his clothes and swaddling blanket from the hospital provided stuff to what we brought, which seemed much more soft and comfortable.  So far the little man is doing well.

Tomorrow offers the promise of a visit to the pediatrician and a visit to the attorney's office to pick up some paperwork and let some of the kind people who helped us out through this process see the beautiful thing that God has brought us.


  1. TJ, this is your Godfather, Nick talking to you. I hope you see this some day, because on that day I know you will understand the truth of what I am about to say: Today God has blessed you with two parents who have prayed for you and waited for you long before you were even conceived. They will love you more than you will ever be able to realize.

    Welcome to the world! Welcome to your family! You Godmother, Suzanne and I cant't wait to meet you!

  2. I don't know how anyone could read this without crying. I am beyond overwhelmed with gratitude for this gift of incredible measure to TJ and for the two of you. Much love, peace, and many, many blessings. Congrats- you are parents- the hardest and BEST job in the entire world. xoxo Amber
