Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 4 - Florida is a very long state!

The original plan had been to leave Boca on Saturday afternoon and drive north to Gainesville to be closer to the border (also, E felt that TJ might need more Gator apparel.  J knew that this was not a battle worth fighting). 

But when J tried to secure a room, he found that they were all full in Gainesville on Saturday night.  Yes, that is correct, there was no room at the inn.  So a long drive on Sunday was in order.

So a long drive got even longer when we encountered crazy storms around Orlando.  Not just rain, but rain, wind, thunder, lightning.  J felt like the car was going to flip on several occasions.  Fortunately it didn't.

Had there actually been exits, shelter would have been sought, but E and J chose to take 'the turnpike.'  This created new challenges as the few exits that did exist were 'service plazas', or rather, glorified food courts that also sold fuel.  And they were packed with hundreds of people. E & J were very nervous taking TJ into such a crowded area, but in order to change and feed, they didn't have much of a choice.  J had to feed TJ standing up because there were no seats.

But TJ is such a good baby and he didn't seem to mind!

Finally after what seemed like the longest car ride ever, all arrived in Gainesville (Go Gators!) for a change of clothes and a nap.  E and J promised TJ, that they really do have a house and don't just live like nomads in hotels - but they are not so sure he believes them right now.

and now, the most exciting 11 second video you will ever experience...


  1. We have a large collection of attractive Gator Apparel. You can also buy Jerseys, caps, shock, shoes etc. of your favorite team.
