Tuesday, March 26, 2013

One Week!

It's been one week, since TJ was born!  E & J have learned a lot, like the white noise app on the Ipad is one of the best thing in the world (after TJ of course) - and FaceTime is great for Grandparents - thanks Apple!!!

E, J and TJ are still in Florida for the unforeseeable future ("thanks" Lutheran Services of Georgia for making things difficult... again).  For those unfamiliar with this saga, a brief recap... Lutheran Services of Georgia has over the past three years first prevented E and J from being matched with a birthmother by suggesting that they were not open to adopting children of other races.  Second, LSG denied E and J access to their homestudy and didn't change it for many months after the problem was discovered.  Third, LSG failed to provide E and J with all of the forms and questions needed to complete a homestudy in Georgia, but then approved E and J anyway (causing them, and their attorney, to think that E and J were ready to go), finally LSG lied to their attorney about the ICPC requirements for Georgia, leading to E and J having an incomplete ICPC package, leading to them being forced to stay in Florida and unable to return home.

E and J are remembering the important thing though, they have a beautiful baby boy,  and TJ isn't going anywhere - even if we have to live in a hotel for a couple of weeks.  This child is loved and cherished (and healthy and happy!)

The bad news is J has to go home for two days to work, preach, and deal with some paperwork issues in person ("thanks again" Lutheran Services of Georgia for making things difficult again).  J is having major issues with leaving his sweet boy.

J had to have a talk with TJ today and explain that, no, E and J do not practice some radical form of observing passover by actually wandering in the 'desert', it was just a coincidence that Passover occurred at the same time.  (J is also quite impressed with TJ's biblical knowledge, of Seder meals, at so early an age.  At dinner last night he asked why it was different than other nights )

The GOOD news is that Omi (E's mom) is coming to Gainesville to be with E, while J is gone.  All the Grandparents have been impatiently waiting to meet TJ.  

Additionally, TJ's umbilical cord fell off today.  He is officially a big boy now at one week.

TJ also talked to E and J about how he was looking forward to meeting all of you, but most especially his Bubbe and Granddaddy in Chattanooga. 

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