Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

Such a wonderful Christmas Day!

TJ started out Christmas Eve with the last piece of the Advent calendar chocolate. TJ is one big chocolate fan, he is going to miss his daily chocolate candy!

TJ, E, J, and Omi went to the children's Christmas Eve service. TJ was especially handsome in his Christmas suit!

They gave the kids glow sticks (instead of candles) which TJ thought was pretty awesome.

TJ's friend from church gave him his "kid" bike. Their family is starting a tradition of sharing when you get new things. He was getting a "big kid" bike and wanted to share his balance bike with TJ. TJ was thrilled, it is going to take some practice but he will learn it quickly!

A brief moment of quiet before TJ woke up Christmas morning. 

TJ thought it was so exciting that he and J had matching Star Wars pjs...

He had special Christmas glasses...

and panettone french toast!  TJ wanted to celebrate his Italian heritage.

TJ opened presents from Mommy, Daddy, and Omi (he is signing fire truck in this picture) after breakfast...

Lots of new books too!

Then we went to church to make sandwiches and share food with the homeless (and play with a friend's dog too)

TJ helped by eating a candy cane and helping to sort the food (or at least supervise)!

When we got back from church, Bubbe and GrandDaddy were here with more presents!

A big boy helmet...

A kitchen to cook in.

and a tricycle! TJ is really into things that "move" he is one excited boy to have a tricycle and a balance bike!

We went for a walk with Samson.

Christmas Selfie before Bubbe and GrandDaddy had to head back home. (TJ wasn't entirely sure what was happening here)

Monday, December 22, 2014

21 Months

Happy 21 Months TJ!

A very nice Fireman let TJ sit in the truck - TJ has never been more excited!

TJ's new Christmas shirt "Naughty and Nice"!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Fun

 Attempts were made to take a Christmas PJ picture...

We never got one with everyone looking at the camera!

At preschool TJ learned about the German tradition of St.Nikolaus and that children shine their shoes to leave outside so that on December 6 - St.Nick leaves presents in their shoes.

TJ was very serious about his shoe shining.

The kids shined their shoes as they waited for their parents to pick them up!
 On a trip to the mall to visit Santa, TJ stopped in a kid's store to try on a reindeer hat and take about 20 selfies on Omi's phone!

 TJ, Omi, and Bubbe road the Pink Pig - a Georgia tradition it is Christmas ride that has been around since the 50s.
 There are monster trucks in Bethlehem...
 E and TJ attempted to make gingerbread house and tree - TJ did not like icing on his fingers, but he did like to steal the M&Ms

TJ has been enjoying his Advent calendar and thinks that so far December has been great!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Yo Gabba Gabba

TJ went to his first "concert" tonight! He has been a fan of Yo Gabba Gabba for several months now,  so when E & J heard they were having a live tour - everyone was excited!

E made TJ a Brobee Hat and he wore green stripes!

This is Brobee (since most adults are not familiar with Yo Gabba Gabba!) he is TJ's favorite character!

 TJ politely handed out tickets to the usher and signed thank you to her!

These videos are both a little dark but you can see he had a blast!

"Glitter Hands" TJ Dancing!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Big 2-0!!!

Happy 20 Months TJ!!! 
It is getting harder and harder to capture a picture of TJ because he never sits still!
TJ's new favorite activity is rolling cars down the slide...

Samson snuggles - they are both too fast to get a good picture of them together!

A brief moment to sit down.

TJ likes to collect rocks and put them in the back of his car and "drive" around the yard.
TJ and J had an exciting Saturday when they went to a UGA football game. J thinks TJ liked climbing the stairs the best!

Friday, October 31, 2014


It was one year ago when TJ, E, and J moved into the new house- what an exciting year it has been! This year instead of unpacking boxes (not that there aren't a few left to still do), everyone got to enjoy the neighborhood festivities.
TJ's best buddies at school.

Killer bee!
 The best lollipop TJ has ever had (ok its also the first one...)
 The whole walk home - it was "mmmmm mmmmmm mmmm" 
mmmmm..... (definitely a fan of candy!)

Halloween is great!

This was a picture from the Gay Pride parade a couple of weeks ago- Cute babies get the best swag!